Semi-pioneering, home educating family of three living on 7 acres in the MidWest. These are the mom's thoughts/ramblings about our life, spirituality and whatever else pops up. :) Please feel free to post comments and/or questions. I will get to them as soon as I can. We would love to hear from anyone who is reading along here.

Friday, March 14, 2008

A Water Leak, Leaky Spirits & Community! are probably wondering what on earth this woman is talking about now!

It turns out that we have a huge water leak on our property and no clue as to where in over 400' of line it might be. Our resources are pretty slim at this point, but we are very grateful to those in the home schooling community who have offered prayers and encouragement.

We called the contractor who put in the lines about a year and a half ago. We were hoping that he can remember where the connections might be since it makes sense that the leak is probably at one of those. He is going out of town today, but will be back after the weekend. He will be over Monday or Tuesday to see if he can help locate the leak. He does remember where some connections are. It is a relief that he is coming.

In the meantime, we are filling bottles with water and turning off the water at the meter as much as we can get by with. Hmmm...gosh, I guess that means that I cannot do the rest of my laundry today. Bummer! *wink*

So, that covers the water leak, but what on earth are leaky spirits? Well, as I was thinking about this water leak, I realized that there are some leaks that SHOULD happen! Obviously, we don't want this precious water leaking out and just going into the ground. We want to preserve it, conserve it, and use it wisely.

But what about the "water" that is supposed to bubble up inside of us...the water of the Spirit of Yahweh/God? We are called to be so full of the water of His Ruach/Spirit that it DOES leak...all over other people! We are to be so filled with His love that it flows out all over the place. People are to see His love and His Ruach flowing through us. But, do they?

I have to ask myself that question...more often than I would like to admit. :( I can be a very selfish person. Oh, others may not see that selfishness very much, but what about my family? They are closest to me. Do they see that love flowing out? Or do they see selfishness as I hold His love and His Ruach/Spirit tightly inside of me? Of course, the thing is...Yahweh's love and Ruach were never meant to be held tightly inside. When I try to hold onto to it tightly I am no longer being a blessing to others.

Isn't that what God calls us to be...a blessing to others? Are we not called to show His love and Spirit to others and thereby, to make a difference in the world and community around us? Ah!

We are created by Yahweh to be social creatures. We are not created to live in isolation. We need to reach out to one be there for one another...and even more so in the body of Yeshua/Jesus. It says that they will know we are HIS followers/Christians by our love for one another. So, we are to leak His love out on the community within the body of believers AND to the world around us. Two levels of community...those within the "body" and those without.

So, I have to ask I have a leaky spirit? Am I leaking it out where it should my family and those closest to me? To my community within the body of Yeshua/the believers? To my community in the world at large around me? It can be so easy to be tied down by the struggles of this life that we forget those around us. I pray that I may not be like that! I want to have a leaky spirit!

So, there you have it. A water leak, leaky spirits and community! Make sense? I sure hope so! *laughing*

I just got done playing chess with my son. Boy does he make me WORK at beating him! Dave has been teaching him and he is coming along VERY well! He is now working on his copywork and cursive handwriting. We have stuff spread out all over our tiny RV...but then what else is new?

Hmmm...I think maybe I will go make chocolate chip pancakes. Err...maybe not. The clean up would be kind of awkward with no running water. Then only live once in this life, right? I guess I could use the exercise and walk down to the creek to rinse off the dishes and then wash them up here in the RV! OR...I could just skip the pancake part and go straight for the chocolate chips! Those who know me well know that there is nothing more "healthy" than some dark chocolate! *laughing*

Well, I had better go. I really need to go spend some time in that love letter written to us that my friend and brother Pat calls our Instruction Manual. Who knows? Maybe, if I spend more time in that book and with the Author, I will be able to leak a whole lot better from my spirit!

Signing off for now from our little RV on the hillside!

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