Semi-pioneering, home educating family of three living on 7 acres in the MidWest. These are the mom's thoughts/ramblings about our life, spirituality and whatever else pops up. :) Please feel free to post comments and/or questions. I will get to them as soon as I can. We would love to hear from anyone who is reading along here.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Melting Snow!

Well...the snow is slowly melting! It started melting pretty quickly the day after it stopped snowing. The weather is warming up. Yesterday was cool, but nice. Today it is supposed to get all the way up into the lower 60's. Woohoo!

We are so grateful that it is not raining. The melting snow feeds the creek, but we can still drive and walk across it. If it were raining, too, it would cause the creek to get too high to cross.

Today we get the laundry room hooked back up. Our son can do that. How nice to not have to do laundry in the bathtub! **laughing**

We also "get" to dump the black water tank again. We did it right at the beginning of the major snow fall and have managed to make it to now. But it is full and needs to be drained and flushed today.

We have new neighbors moving in. They have a couple of boys close to our son's age. They typically live with their father who is just around the corner and up a ways (rural "corner"). I do not know how much time they will spend at their mom's, but it is possible that our son will have some playmates.

Well, it is very early here and I am going to sign off for now from our little RV on the hillside! I hope everyone is healthy and having a good day.

Abba, please touch each and every one who reads here. Bless them and touch them in every way that they need to be touched. Bring Your Shalom to them. Amen and amen!

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