It's the first day of the week. I was feeling so good last night that I thought I might make it to church today, however, the wiser voices in my head said "no". :) Neither I, or our son, were really ready. So, we stayed home while Dave went to church. We are hoping to go tonight to the adult class. Our son can sit in with us there.
It has been raining off and on all morning...a nice gentle rainfall. I love the rain. It is something that Dave and I have in common. We have always both loved the rain. It is something that has made our living situation more difficult. Due to leaks in the roof and the mud washing down the hillside and gullies being created in the driveway, we found ourselves torn between enjoying the rain and dreading it. We finally decided that we have done what we can. The roof is covered. The rain is channeled as best we can through the trenches and gullies we have made. We choose to enjoy the rain and leave the rest in God's hands. He is certainly capable! :)
I like how the rain refreshes the air and washes things. Even in the midst of the browns of winter, there are always patches of green growth. It is kind of like our lives. Even in the hard winter times of our lives when it seems like all is dead and brown, there are the green patches of life in the spirit where we see God moving His hand on our behalf.
We are pretty much landbound because we have only one vehicle. Dave works way too far away for us to drop him off and pick him up. Yet, for one day a week starting this week we are going to do just that. That is because of a blessing being provided to us. Our son is going to start going to a homeschooling co-op. We had no way to do it, but God has provided a way for us to do it. So, on Monday nights we will be packing up Tuesday's breakfast and lunch and everything we will need for the next day. It is going to be a challenge for all three of us to be ready to leave here by 6, but we are going to try and do it.
We will drop Dave off and then go to a place to study until the classes start. Then I will go pick Dave up and we will all come back for dinner. This co-op serves dinner between the younger student classes in the afternoon and the older student classes in the evening. Then we all head for home. What a blessing this will be for finally be able to get off the land and mix with others. He will be taking classes on oceans, art, P.E. and music theory.
It is usually very draining for me to be gone all day like that, so it will be a bit of a challenge. Yet, I know that God will not call us into something that He will not also equip us for. God will work things out for us, meeting our needs for each day.
Semi-pioneering, home educating family of three living on 7 acres in the MidWest. These are the mom's thoughts/ramblings about our life, spirituality and whatever else pops up. :) Please feel free to post comments and/or questions. I will get to them as soon as I can. We would love to hear from anyone who is reading along here.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Blessed First Day!
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if you have 7 ackers off land then why did you put your RV where you did? Couldnt there be a better place? how did you get 7 ackers, if I may ask
Hi, Anonymous, see next post for your answer.
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