OK...I simply don't have time to double post. Sooooo...just go this link Little RV on the Hillside to continue on this blog!
Semi-pioneering, home educating family of three living on 7 acres in the MidWest. These are the mom's thoughts/ramblings about our life, spirituality and whatever else pops up. :) Please feel free to post comments and/or questions. I will get to them as soon as I can. We would love to hear from anyone who is reading along here.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Location of Dual Blog!
You can check here for the dual blog. I am not sure at what point I will do it, but at some point I will only be blogging at one site.
Little RV on the Hillside
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Dual Blogging!
Right now, I am dual blogging. It is the easiest way for me to check out two different blog softwares and sites.
It is getting very cold here and the Autumn colors are just beautiful! Here are some recent photos.
Hmmm...editing this in...not sure what happened to the pictures. I guess you will have to go here to see them.

Thursday, October 16, 2008
More Creek Crossing Pics!
Here are more creek crossing pictures.We have a couple of pipes toward the right that have ends that are a bit crushed. They are now opened up. (Those pics will have to come later.)
This is a picture of the same side from above.
This is the other side.
This is looking across from the road side.
This is looking across toward the road side.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Busy Time & a Creek Crossing!
I was hoping to get some changes made to the blog, but I am not able to do what I want...not yet, anyway.
This is a very busy time for our family. We have been cleaning up the pad our RV is on...sorting through things. We are still finding things that have gotten moldy. Oh, well. Such is life sometimes.
Here are some pics of the creek crossing being worked on:
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Working on the Blogs!
I am doing some work on the blogs so it may not be until next week that I post again. *smile*
Monday, October 6, 2008
Forgiveness in Rwanda!
What an awesome story of forgiveness! I was very touched to see what God is doing in Rwanda as shown in this video.
If you are having trouble with the embedded video, you can watch it here:
Living Forgiveness - Stories from Rwanda

Sunday, October 5, 2008
Autumn Update!
The guys are working on the driveway.They have already smoothed over quite a bit on the creek crossing. It is now driveable, although not covered in concrete yet. We still need to have that done so that it won't wash out. It is a matter of prayer. The God who is our provider is more than able to make a provision for the concrete!
Dave has been filling in the gullies that formed in our driveway during that really big storm last March. There are pictures posted in the archive posts from around that time of what the storm did. He is almost done.
Then the guys need to clear a spot up here on the pad for the van to park and turn around in. He is already able to bring his motorcycle up here, which is a real blessing. We have some sheets of plywood and a few things that we need to move out of the way.
Our laundry room roof is almost covered. We need another sheet of the corrugated steel and the top ridge (or whatever it is called). Dave knows where he can get one. We also need to get the siding up on the top half story. Then we can put the insulation in.
It is also time to start weatherizing the underside of the RV. We can definitely feel the chill in the air. Ike blew Autumn out and the cold in. Thankfully, we are getting some warmer days again...and mostly dry. What a blessing! Fall is my favorite season, albeit not my favorite time of year. There is an even heavier spiritual darkness this time of year that others I know also feel.
Hmm...let's see...what else? We are very blessed to have people who care for us...and about us. They would like to see us out of this tiny RV, but it will have to be a God thing as no one really has the resources. If we are not out by Winter, I am confident that Yahweh God will provide for us to make it through again.
It does definitely feel more closed in as the days grow shorter and the weather gets colder. Being cold is a bit triggering for me, but we do have good heaters. I am hoping, soon, to be able to locate and get back out all my Winter tops. I am still hoping for a closet space in the laundry room, if we can get it done, where I can hang up my jumpers and dresses. I soooooo miss being able to wear them.
Well, I think that is it for now. My camera is down in the van and I still have pictures to process and upload. Maybe this week!
From our little RV on the hillside to you in your home...remember that there is a One True God. His name is Yahweh and His Son is Yeshua/Jesus. He loves you so much that He has given His Son so that you can be restored to fellowship with Him. I hope you will cry out to Him.